
    Scios: Verlust geringer als erwartet - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 25.10.02 10:36:26 von
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      schrieb am 25.10.02 10:36:26
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()

      Im dritten Quartal hat die Gesellschaft durch Verkäufe des Medikamtents Natrecor höhere Umsätze erzielen können, die durch stärkere Ausgaben aufgefressen worden sind

      Das Biotech-Unternehmen Scios hat im abgelaufenen Quartal den Umsatz von 19,6 auf 27,2 Mio. Dollar steigern können. Der Verlust hat sich von 11,2 auf 21,8 Mio. Dollar fast verdoppelt. Das entspricht einem Minus von 47 Cent je Aktie. Analysten hatten mit einem Verlust von 54 Cent je Anteilsschein gerechnet.

      Hauptumsatzträger ist das Herzmittel Natrecor. Im gesamten Jahr will die Gesellschaft mit dem Medikament einen Umsatz zwischen 92 und 95 Mio. Dollar erwirtschaften. Im kommenden Jahr sollen es 160 bis 170 Mio. Dollar sein. Der Partner des Unternehmens in Europa, das Pharma-Unternehmen GlaxoSmithKline, hat mittlerweile einen Zulassungsantrag für Natrecor eingereicht.

      Scios hat im dritten Quartal erheblich mehr Geld für Forschung und Entwicklung aufgewendet als im verleichbaren Vorjahresviertel. Der Posten ist um 15 Prozent auf 19,3 Mio. Dollar gestiegen, was vor allem auf die Projekte in der vorklinischen und klinischen Phase zurückgeht. Insgesamt sind die Kosten von 32,5 auf 45,2 Mio. Dollar gestiegen.

      Für das vierte Quartal rechnen Analysten mit einem niedrigeren Verlust. Der soll bei 31 Cent je Aktie liegen. Der Umsatz soll dabei auf 38 Mio. Dollar steigen. Im gesamten Jahr wird das Minus nach Schätzung der Experten bei 1,88 Dollar liegen, der Umsatz 108 Mio. Dollar erreichen. Auch für das kommende Geschäftsjahr sehen die Analysten weiter rote Zahlen, wobei mit einem verringerten Verlust von 89 Cent je Anteilsschein gerechnet wird.

      Dieser Beitrag wird Ihnen von 4investors präsentiert.

      Autor: Michael Barck (©,10:36 25.10.2002

      schrieb am 28.10.02 12:39:10
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      company news


      SCIO - Scios Inc (NASDAQ NM : SCIO)

      Scios p38 MAP Kinase Inhibitor Data Presented at American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting

      - Preclinical Studies Show Scios Compounds Reduce Clinical Severity and Progression of Collagen-Induced Arthritis -

      MONDAY , OCTOBER 28, 2002 06:01 AM

      NEW ORLEANS, Oct 28, 2002 /PRNewswire-FirstCall via COMTEX/ -- Scios Inc. (Nasdaq: SCIO), today announced that preclinical study results indicate that SCIO-469, the company`s first-generation oral p38 MAP kinase inhibitor, and SCIO-323, a second-generation p38 MAP kinase inhibitor, reduce clinical severity and radiographic progression of experimental collagen-induced arthritis. Data from these studies will be presented here today during an oral podium session on emerging new treatments for arthritis at the 66th Annual American College of Rheumatology (ACR) Scientific Meeting.

      "These studies indicate that inhibition of p38-alpha MAP kinase results in anti-inflammatory effects in both acute and chronic models of inflammation, and leads to improved clinical outcomes in animal models," said Ernest Brahn, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, who will present the data. "Since selective inhibitors of TNF-alpha, IL-1-beta, and COX-2 are currently being used as individual agents to treat rheumatoid arthritis, a novel oral p38-alpha MAP kinase inhibitor, such as SCIO-469, that targets all three is an ideal candidate for expanded research in human clinical trials."

      Study Details

      The presentation, "Inhibition of Collagen-Induced Arthritis with an Inhibitor of P38 MAP Kinase," will be presented today at 3:30 p.m. CST in room 343-345 at the New Orleans Convention Center. The abstract (ACR presentation #1520) is available online at

      P38-alpha mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase has been shown to modulate the activity of key pro-inflammatory pathways including tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin-1-beta (IL-1-beta) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2).

      In the preclinical studies reported here, SCIO-469 was shown in vitro using human blood cells to block the production of TNF-alpha, IL-1-beta, and COX-2 mRNA in a dose-related manner in response to an inflammatory stimulus.

      In an autoimmune model of rheumatoid arthritis, rats with existing disease were randomized to receive once a day oral doses of SCIO-469 or vehicle. There was a dose-related reduction in the severity of arthritis (joint swelling and erythema) that in the high dose group was observed 48 hours after initiation of treatment and continued through the course of the 28-day study (p<0.05). Blinded radiographic analysis of diseased joints on day 28 indicated cessation of disease progression (p<0.01). None of the radiographs in the high-dose treatment group demonstrated any evidence of bone erosion. A second generation p38-alpha inhibitor, SCIO-323, was tested in this model and the results confirmed the SCIO-469 findings with marked reductions in clinical severity scores (p<0.01) and blinded radiographic scores (p<0.001) compared to the control group.

      About SCIO-469

      SCIO-469 belongs to a new class of treatments that inhibit p38 kinase, a stimulatory modulator of pro-inflammatory factors including TNF-alpha, IL-1-beta and COX-2, all of which are known to contribute to both symptoms and disease progression in patients with RA. Preclinical data demonstrated that oral SCIO-469 leads to suppression of induced TNF-alpha levels over a wide range of doses. Two Phase I trials demonstrated that doses in the ranges tested were well tolerated in healthy volunteers.

      Scios is currently enrolling patients in a Phase IIa trial of SCIO-469. This multi-center, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical study will enroll 120 patients who have active RA and are receiving methotrexate. The main objective of the study is to evaluate the safety and tolerability of six escalating doses of SCIO-469 in RA patients. The company expects to announce results in the first quarter of 2003.

      Existing protein-based products that antagonize TNF-alpha are prescription products administered only through injection or infusion, and they represent a multi-billion dollar annual market in the United States. If approved, SCIO-469 could become the first mechanism-specific oral product aimed at reducing TNF-alpha and other cytokines.

      About Rheumatoid Arthritis

      Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressively worsening autoimmune disease of unknown origin in which the body`s natural immune system attacks healthy joint tissue causing inflammation and joint damage. RA is a systemic disease that affects the entire body and is one of the most common forms of arthritis. It is characterized by inflammation of the membrane lining the joint, which causes pain, stiffness, warmth, redness and swelling. The inflamed joint lining, the synovium, can invade and damage bone and cartilage. The involved joint can lose its shape and alignment, resulting in pain and loss of movement. According to the Arthritis Foundation, rheumatoid arthritis affects 2.1 million Americans.

      Scios Inc.


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      Scios: Verlust geringer als erwartet